Shop on nº 31 of Augusto Figueroa Street.

Shop on nº 31 of Augusto Figueroa Street.

Única Real-Estate adds 5 retail units to portfolio.

Única Real-Estate SOCIMI, S.A., has formalized the acquisition of a portfolio of 5 retai units all located in the Madrid Region, specifically in:

  1. Calle de Goya, 30 – Madrid
  2. Calle de Augusto Figueroa, 31 – Madrid
  3. Calle de Alcalá, 310 – Madrid
  4. Avenida Dos de Mayo, 23 (1-5A) – Móstoles
  5. Avenida Dos de Mayo, 23 (1-5B) – Móstoles

The portfolio, which had a total built area of 805 squared metres, has fetched a price of €4.6 milion + VAT. Única Real Estate’s investment has been financed using the REIT’s own capital in addition to a €2 million from Bankinter.

The Spanish REIT, Única Real Estate, was born in 2015 and currently has a portfolio of 35 retail units and 53 shareholders. As at June 30th, 2018, the fund’s main shareholders (with direct or indirect holdings of over 5% of the share capital) are as follows:

  1. Eduardo Paraja Quirós (President) 10.09%
  2. Benito Berceruelo González via BYB Productions, S.A. 7.53%
  3. Impala Developments, S.L. 7.37%
  4. Grupo Empresarial Norba, S.L. 5.91%
  5. Fermín Carrasco Gimeno via Grupo Empresarial Norba, S.L. 5.91%
  6. Portalnet Desarrollos, S.L. 5.34%
  7. Andrés Femia Bustillo 3,04%
  8. Javier Osés Navaz via Portalnet Desarrollos, S.L 2,44%
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